The Sherwood Archaeological Society
1973/93-Dorket Head
Iron-Age/Romano-British Enclosure
Ramsdale near Calverton
James and Catherine Turner
1961 - Combs Farm
Type - Iron Age/Romano-British
Location - Farnsfield. SK631552
Project Leader - Brian Simmonds
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In the ongoing examinations of the Nottinghamshire earthworks recorded by Major Hayman Rooke in the C18th Dorket Head has received by far the most archaeological attention.
Over a 20 year period using weekends mostly in the summer months the team sectioned samples of all the visible features and recovered the largest assemblage of Iron-age pottery yet found in Nottinghamshire.
In the report published in 1992 Jim stated, with his usual flair for understatement, ‘Dorket Head is a difficult site to assess’.
The typical playing card outline of a Roman encampment is undoubtedly there as observed by Rooke but the iron-age pottery finds outnumber the Roman by four to one. The perimeter and intermal ditches were sectioned at several points.
The finds from the whole site reflect a very long period of occupation which is not surprising given the commanding strategic position of the headland.
Copies of this report are still available from the Society.
The report, drawings and the day books kept by the excavator are filed in the Museum store as are the pottery sherds and the iron sickle. Permission to view this archive must sought from the Museum's Curator or via the Society's contact address on this website

The late Cath and Jim Turner, on site circa 1980. The difficulty of excavating between tree roots is very evident!
In the Museum we have the day-to-day working records of Jim's meticulous attention to detail. and also a letter of acknowledgment of his work signed by Sheppard Freare no less!